Documentary tells the story of Dick Proenneke who, in the late 1960s, built his own cabin in the wilderness at the base of the Aleutian Peninsula, in what is now Lake Clark National Park. Using color footage he shot himself, Proenneke traces how he came to this remote area, selected a homestead site and built his log cabin completely by himself. The documentary covers his first year in-country, showing his day-to-day activities and the passing of the seasons as he sought to scratch out a living alone in the wilderness.
Ten new participants compete to win $500,000 in Alone's most remote location yet, Northern Saskatchewan. As the survivalists set out into the wilderness searching for food and shelter, one participant makes a costly mistake.
新一季的荒野独居选在北极圈,挑战升级,10人,谁能在荒野独自生存100天,谁就能拿到一百万美金(之前季的奖金是50万美金) ALONE is the most intense survival series on television. This season’s participants will face the biggest twist in series history—a 100-day challenge for 1 million dollars.
十个人在荒野中独自生存,最后幸存的一个人获得奖金50万美元! 10 survival "experts" attempt to survive alone. The winner receives $500,000.
新概念便利店新品生存节目。娱乐圈大名鼎鼎的“会吃”明星们不私享,公开必杀菜单,通过菜单评测团队的评测而获胜的菜单,节目播出后会在全国各地的便利店发售。 2022年4月底,核心主持李京奎和李英子下车,第一季结束。 2022年5月起,第2季开始,轮流系统改为柳秀荣、朴率美、车艺莲和李灿元,他们新连接了之前的李庆奎和李英子系统,并且更改了徽标,更改了便利店合作伙伴为GS25。销售产品的收益捐赠给贫困儿童和弱势家庭。
你知道初恋和最后一段恋爱的区别吗?那就是:你总以为第一个就是最后一个,而最后一个又回到初恋的感觉。——托弗·杨森 35 岁至 60 岁的单身人士搬到郊区的一所房子里,住在一起,试图在远离现实世界的宁静和田园诗般的环境中寻找爱情。本次活动的目的是让参与者通过展示真实的自己 — 包括哭泣、欢笑和争吵,来找到那个能相伴一生的人。参与者能否找到新的恋人,并与伴侣一起离开房子和村庄?这部相亲节目第一季大受欢迎,播出后连续六周稳居日本 Netflix Top10 排行榜。 工作室 MC 田村淳和贝基回归第 2 季。新的嘉宾将加入,更多细节将很快公布。